
Welcome to the work bench!

Hello everyone and welcome to the inaugural post of The Anthropological Toolkit ! The idea for this blog is something I've kicked around for some time but I finally decided to take the plunge and start it. When I was a student and needed advice on which field camera to use or a voice recorder that was hassle-free, I would always ask around my fellow anthro students and faculty and then scour the web looking for any additional advice I could find. Now that I am a professor... I still ask around and scour the web anytime I need to buy a new piece of equipment or supply. To be honest, I think I enjoy the hunt. :) I imagine this blog as multi-faceted containing posts about the kinds of tools I use in my anthropological research and teaching and new tools as I find them. One of the things I appreciate about the word tool is that it has both literal and metaphorical meanings. Of course, it includes things like physical tools, equipment, and supplies. But tool also carries a more a